This American flag flies quietly and proudly over the gravesite of President Herbert Hoover and his good wife Lou in West Branch Iowa. The Presidential Library there is a fascinating view of a man whose quiet Quaker heart was bent on serving others, feeding the world's hungry, all while taking tremendous heat for the rest of the woes of the world. He lies in state in graves which overlook an area close to his place of birth. He died. We pay our respects for the good work that he and Lou did on behalf od our country.
Little wonder when the women came to the tomb that Easter morning nothing seemed right. Jesus was supposed to be there. He died. They saw, with their own eyes, the exact spot where they had placed him. Now, with their own eyes, they saw he was not there. They had a hard time hearing the angelic messengers telling them-actually reminding them what was going on. We hear a bit later in the gospel Peter came and looked things over, and simply walked away, shaking his head.
That's where the heart and mind of many people lock up. The evidence points to a direction that doesn't make sense. It cannot square with what they think they know based upon what they have seen. Let's cut to the chase-what Jesus accomplished on that Easter Sunday was tantamount to the death of death. It no longer controls the sequence of events for humanity. There is another chapter. While the fat lady might have sung, there is at least another verse to the song!
Humanity struggles with the one dimensional understanding we all have with life. We think we know, and therefore we let that guide our thoughts. We think we have the answers based upon what we think. Obviously, the Trinity had other plans. It is much larger than what we can stretch our heads around. That's why I think the church needs seven sundays in the Easter season. We have a tendency to not "get it" and as a result "not live it."
Don't be standing there looking to make sense out of the situation. Here is where your heart of faith needs to carry you to a new understanding-that the one and only foe of our lives, death itself, has been humiliated and defeated by the resurrection of Jesus.
He is not here, he is risen! Death, frankly put, is out of business. New life in Christ begins. I bid you all a joyful Easter celebration. And be joy filled!
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